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Mediamobile Italia plans and develops Digital Signage solution for the SAE , to improve the efficiency of route planning and optimize costs through improved management of vehicles, drivers and roads.

Mediamobile Italia offers Digital Signage and Intelligent Transport System’s solutions able to give a tangible reply to modern transport companies, as the suite specific for the transport sector “x-Fleet™” .

Flexible and scalable x-Fleet™ consist of robust peripheral sites and a control center for management and remote configuration of peripheral devices.

Thanks to its intuitive user interface , x-Fleet™ allows to collect and aggregate information coming from every vehicle to use them for diagnostic and statistical purposes.

Installed in the control center, x-Fleet™ provides to operator several features as : the real-time monitoring of vehicles, the acquisition of information about their operational status and connection voice / data via GSM / GPRS with the center.

x-Fleet ™ improves the quality of transport, reducing delays and accidents and providing useful information to travelers about the time of waiting, waiting next stop, delays and departures, weather and news.

The real-time monitoring of vehicles allows the operator to obtain complete control over the fleet, reducing costs and ensuring better management of resources in terms of vehicles and drivers’ performance.

ADSO™ Brochure

Download the ADSO™ brochure, the innovative Digital Signage Suite to easy manage, schedule and broadcast multimedia contents keep you in complete control of your network simply by a connected PC.
  Digital Signage Solution For Hospitality Brochure

Download the Digital Signage Solution for Hospitality Brochure, easy to expand and scale it provides you with the highest control of your network
ADSO™ è l’innovativa Suite di Digital Signage di Mediamobile Italia che consente alle imprese di incrementare i volumi di vendita, rafforzare la comunicazione aziendale e migliorare l’esperienza di acquisto del consumatore nel punto vendita.

Una Suite completa e di ultima generazione di facile utilizzo per creare,diffondere e monitorare contenuti multimediali di varia natura (.swf;.avi;.mpeg;.jpeg) su di una rete di player o altri dispositivi (chioschi, monitor pubblicitari, menù digitali). Ideale per applicazioni Indoor ed Outdoor, ADSO consente il completo controllo della rete di monitor a partire da una postazione remota.